Ride, the exciting British band of the late 80s and early 90s, reunited in 2015 to revive their former musical alchemy. Comprising members Andy Bell, Laurence "Loz" Colbert, Mark Gardener, and Steve Queralt, the band has since released two albums - "Weather Diaries" in 2017 and "This Is Not A Safe Place" in 2019. Their forthcoming seventh album, "Interplay," was released this March. In it, they merge elements of their early work with new experiments, allowing them to create a wide range of genres and emotions. It's filled with references to their own past while venturing into new musical territories.

The band members see their grand return mainly as a desire to face new musical challenges and a feeling that they still have much to offer. Despite many changes since their debut album "Nowhere" in 1990, they remain a symbol of innovative music for their fans, retaining their characteristic essence and drive as a band.